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The Paper of Mr Woldy.

An Archive for eUK and eRep!


22 Day 6,068, 06:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis


Cabinet shuffles and changing the President are crucial to a functioning Country - not just a functioning Democracy.

Changing who is responsible for what, and changing who … read more »

Say Yez to the Fez

20 Day 6,039, 23:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis


This month there has been an immense effort across Cabinet to update how the Government works, raise standards of communication and transparency, and ultimately to make sure … read more »

A Thanks to Voters & Personal Announcement

6 Day 6,036, 04:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis


We are three weeks into the Presidential Term, time has flown by. In sitting down to write this I have realised that, although I ‘shouted’ my thanks to the voters on the 6th, I … read more »

Enthusiasm meets Purpose

23 Day 6,010, 01:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis


Thank you for all the support and words of encouragement shared so far in relation to my [url= more »

A Strategic Vision for the eUK

45 Day 6,006, 08:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello, I am Mr Woldy. You may remember me as the original safe pair of hands. In this article I would like to paint a picture of a driven eUK with clear goals we can all rally around.

I … read more »