A Thanks to Voters & Personal Announcement

Day 6,036, 04:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy


We are three weeks into the Presidential Term, time has flown by. In sitting down to write this I have realised that, although I ‘shouted’ my thanks to the voters on the 6th, I haven’t yet sat down to publish it in an article. Upon being elected, my focus was solely on pulling the Government into shape and making sure all of the Cabinet was active, visible, and working for a better eUK. Please forgive me!

Without further delay - Thank you! I was hugely appreciative of the support I received at the last election. Thank you for sharing the Strategic Vision. Hopefully you have seen the hard work being put in, and hopefully you feel it has enhanced your experience of eRepublik.

On a personal note, it has been a real joy to head a Government embracing new ideas, thinking hard about not just what we do, but why we are doing it, and identifying and implementing improvements day by day, rather than year by year.

I have been thrilled to hear the joy hasn’t been mine alone. Thanks for sharing your feedback so far on Weekend Whimsy, Finance and Defence updates, and our new Education strategy. Your views are really important, and I feel a deep responsibility to govern for all eUK’ers. Never hesitate to get in touch.

I have decided to run for a second term. I have asked my party to consider my candidacy, and I invite all parties to reflect on the merits of this term and consider backing my nomination.

I will continue to champion the eUK’s Strategic plan. This means working on our population, our military strength, and supporting everyone both financially and by making the eUK a great place to play. As a reminder, the plan looked like this;

More information will follow reflecting on what has worked well and where my priorities will be next month. Watch this space.

Thanks for reading, and on Wednesday the 5th, say Yez to the Fez.

Mr Woldy