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A message to True Norwegian's

10 Day 504, 13:31 Published in Norway Norway

e-Hungary. Admittedly, I'm not a huge fan, this being for a number of reasons, outlined in past articles. But recently, they have been off the scale on the Gazette's sneakometer.

It seems that now Austria is going to have a few regions taken over

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A Fight for Finland

8 Day 504, 13:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

e-Hungary. Admittedly, I'm not a huge fan, this being for a number of reasons, outlined in past articles. But recently, they have been off the scale on the Gazette's sneakometer.

It seems that now Austria is going to have a few regions taken over

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Gazette special: PEACE and Hungary.

15 Day 501, 10:27 Published in Germany Germany

PEACE. As their name, and their charter suggests they like peace. No after gaining a little bit of knowledge, and a spoonfull of evidence I am beggining to wonder what PEACE and it's nation's actually think the word, peace, means.

Just incase it

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14 Day 497, 12:31 Published in Romania Romania First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

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