
Day 6,068, 06:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy


Cabinet shuffles and changing the President are crucial to a functioning Country - not just a functioning Democracy.

Changing who is responsible for what, and changing who is ultimately responsible for everything not only means new ideas can be tried out, it means new eyes take a look at how things work.

This is a powerful check and balance on the UK’s Governance. Congress cannot keep tabs on everything, as much as many of our CM’s tried - they were not always in the majority. As such changes in the Presidency should be welcome and encouraged. If anyone occupies the Office of President for four, five or six months in a row we should be concerned about the health of our politics.

By way of demonstrating this point, changing the Presidency in May uncovered all sorts of shortcomings. Shortcomings in how information was shared between Governments (a lot wasn’t). Shortcomings in how we were calculating repayments (we had lost millions in overpayments to partners). Shortcomings in how we spent money, battle rules, choice of TW partners, new player provision, communication (or lack of) with Congress, and in how Congress motions were acted upon (or ignored) by the previous Government.

I don’t think we can allocate blame exclusively to any one person. Someone who finds themselves doing that job for years is bound to compromise to manage that workload. To do the job of President well takes time, and no one should have to sacrifice that time for years on end. It is fairer to observe that there was a collective failing in accountability and a disengagement from politics within certain Parties. This lack of interest gave way to a sense of relief that someone would reliably run so no one needed to worry. Over months and months, years and years, there was no effective check on the Government - the mantra was that the approach was ‘tried and tested’. They were just left to it. Except... it was not tested. Hopefully the parties of the eUK can become more flexible in their approach to CP candidates throughout 2024, and we can all work to encourage different players, new and old, to run for Office.

I believe I am someone who puts my money where my mouth is. I said we could have fairer rewards, we have fairer rewards. I said we could deliver for fighters and casual players alike, we have. I said we could be more transparent, we are. I am saying the Government should change regularly - it will. I'll be spending some time later in July in a tent without electricity. I would be wrong of anyone to run for CP knowing they won’t be around, so I will not be running in July.

I will be around enough to assist/advise/coach anyone who follows in my footsteps. I am committed to the eUK, I will always be around to help anyone who wants the top job.

Hopefully we hear from some exciting candidates over the next few days!

Mr Woldy

P.S. It’s been a period of good cooperation and really civil discussion. You denied me the ability to use this GIF, but I am thankful!