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Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí eČeské republiky
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the eCzech Republic

Interview with CP of Serbia - Serbian Terorista

21 20 hours ago Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Para mi es un honor que esté aquí, le quiero agradecer esta oportunidad de poder conocerlo profundament,[url= more »

Interview with MoD of Australia - Inquisitor Baron Alzir

14 Day 6,108, 18:53 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hoy les quiero presentar al Ministro de Defensa de eAustralia, un verdadero honor que me invite a pasar este invierno en Oceanía, él es [url=https:/ … read more »

Government of Eddie Larton - August '24

5 Day 6,105, 19:27 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Vážení občané! My dear citizens, we present the new cabinet for the month of August, we have the company of an old friend [url= more »

Interview with Li Shaoran - CP of Spain [MoFA CZ]

13 Day 6,098, 11:35 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Vážení občané! My dear citizens, today I bring you an interview with a famous CP [read more »

[MoFA eCZ] Interview with Your Worst Nightmare - July'24

7 Day 6,093, 12:16 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Vážení občané! My dear citizens, today I bring you an interview with a famous CP read more »