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Treasury Staffing announcement and applications

3 Day 688, 14:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Citizens of the eUK

I am pleased to announce that this term the Permanent Secretary to the Treasury will be Vinners. Vinners has a wealth of experience in all areas of the game, and I am excited to be working with him. On top of his … read more »

Current Treasury Team

3 Day 670, 15:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Just a quick update on the Treasury bench.

Chancellor of the Exchequer: Arthur Wellesley (6 months!)
Permanent Secretaries to the Treasury: Archerstorm, DilltheDog

Dill and Archerstorm are dividing up the job of the Permanent Secretaryship.

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Update from the Treasury

4 Day 607, 22:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello, citizens.

I like to make it a habit to keep individuals abreast of goings on in the Treasury. This will not be an in-depth policy announcement, though there will be one of those coming in the next few weeks. Rather, I just have a few

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New Benchmarks

5 Day 588, 20:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

The current benchmarks that the Treasury have been pursuing are becoming outdated. The marks of 1 GOLD = 38.5 GBP and 1 GBP = 0.027 GOLD, while stable, do not reflect the potential of our economy. While we have been fighting a general rise in the

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An Update from the Chancellor of the Exchequer

8 Day 557, 21:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Ladies and Gentlemen

It has been made clear to me that it is time for me to increase my public presence. Those that know me best know that I prefer to do my work quietly, and to do it well. It has perhaps been a fault of mine that I have not

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