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Proposed New Tax Rates

28 Day 758, 14:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

War is good for us but it is also expensive, as is the number of MPPs we need to run. Currently we are spending more than we are taking in tax so taxes need to rise. Previously in wartime extra VAT tax on weapons has been added but I think we should

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Announcing the Treasury team and GBP Benchmarks

6 Day 751, 14:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Announcing the Treasury team for this term

Permanent Secretaries to The Treasury (underministers)

Elbanaan - Fiscal Analysis
Jack Harris - Money Markets
Craig Rossiter - Trading

Under … read more »

New Treasury Team and currency stabilisation

4 Day 723, 14:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Announcing the Treasury team for this term

Permanent Secretaries to The Treasury

Craig Rossiter
Bombadier Beetle
(as Director of the Reserve Bank)

Under Secretary to The Treasury

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Current changes to the tax system

1 Day 707, 12:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom


Firstly may I apologise for the tardiness of this article, which hopefully helps you to see why so many tax change proposals being introduced to Congress are failing

The tax system, so long reliant on VAT, needs to be made more … read more »

Treasury Staffing Announcement

4 Day 693, 15:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Citizens of the UK

I hope you will join me in welcoming my new team

Permanent Secretary Director of the Reserve Bank of the UK

This is Vinners. I have introduced Vinners before. If you look out his profile, you’ll find … read more »