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The official newspaper of the UK MoD.

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4 Day 115, 14:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

The market is still flooded with moving tickets. Please purchase your tickets as soon as possible in order to prevent a massive surge in demand if we are to be invaded. Almost everyone that has registered with the MoD has been given 18.00 for the

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Notice to All Citizens

0 Day 114, 20:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

In order to increase our defensive strength, the MoD will now be implementing a "Reserve" division alongside our Paratroopers. This will be done as follows:

All non-paratroopers that have thus far received their weapons money from the MoD will be

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Paratroopers Update - Please Read (Repost)

3 Day 110, 14:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom


The Ministry of Defence is still seeking new applicants for paratroopers. The MoD plans on using the UK Paratrooper division in important strategic and tactical operations to defend our home country and our allies … read more »

Paratroopers Update - Please Read

2 Day 107, 12:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom


The Ministry of Defence is still seeking new applicants for paratroopers. The MoD plans on using the UK Paratrooper division in important strategic and tactical operations to defend our home country and our allies … read more »

Paratroopers Still Needed

13 Day 84, 00:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

A notice to everyone that has registered with the Ministry of Defense - you have NOT been added to the list of active paratroopers unless you have specifically messaged the MoD to notify us of your interest in becoming one. Otherwise, you have

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