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The Paper for the Office of the Speaker of the House of Commons

Tertius Senatus Consultum (Irish Wargames)

4 Day 3,458, 00:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Tertius Senatus Consultum (Third Senate Decree)

Wargames with the Republic of Ireland

Approved unanimously by
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Secundus Senatus Consultum (Act of Union)

28 Day 3,456, 13:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Secundus Senatus Consultum (Second Senate Decree)

Act of Union between the Kingdom of Belgium and the Republic of Great
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Princepes Senatus Consultum (Act of Establishment)

21 Day 3,456, 08:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Princepes Senatus Consultum (First Senate Decree)

This Act abolishes the post of Speaker and the former eUK Parliament[
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[Parliament] 20th - 24th April Session

2 Day 3,439, 06:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Afternoon lads o7,

With the change in media module/lack of legislative agenda it probably makes bit more sense to space these out rather than spamming a session … read more »

[Parliament] 15th-19th April Session & the Speakership

2 Day 3,434, 11:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Evenin’ lads o7,

Apologies for the late resumption of public service ‘ere, Wookie has had to step down from the Speakership due to commitments in rl. I hope you can … read more »