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The Paper for the Office of the Speaker of the House of Commons

[Speaker] I think I speak for all of us....

32 Day 2,446, 09:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Geddit? Cuz I'm speaker of the house? No? Sod the lot of you then. Onto the crap generic image and then article.

'ello there, I'm the Speaker of the … read more »

[Speaker] Pressing Forwards

37 Day 2,302, 06:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Greetings eUK, today I want to write quite a lengthy article about the events of last night’s meeting on IRC, and set out my plans for the week ahead.

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[Speaker] A Quick Update

4 Day 2,300, 13:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello, I'd just like to deliver a quick update from the snazzy new Speaker of the House org which we've just got hold of, which is nice.

[img]http://[/img] … read more »

[BGH] The Up's and Down's of Wellness

7 Day 910, 12:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

This is a public service announcement from the Ministry of Home Affairs. Don’t forget to vote and subscribe. We need your votes!">

Wellness can be a confusing thing when you first join … read more »

[BGH] What You Need To Know

8 Day 900, 13:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

This is a public service announcement from the Ministry of Home Affairs. Don’t forget to vote and subscribe. We need your votes!" width="600" height="175">

With the changes of how Hospitals … read more »