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About my newspaper

Open Wiki page

This is ''The Fighting Independent'', one of switzerland's oldest+coolest newspapers. it was founded on day 2050, and it delivers quality/funny/wild news ever since!

global news: day 5555 and more!!!

11 Day 5,555, 19:04 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear friends, hello.

Today, we have a new historical day of the game:
Its day 5555 of erepublik!

Its amazing, isnt it?

But its not the first time that i've covered the many previous and historical/eventful days of the game...

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global news: media mogule sub for sub +subs for gold ad.

23 Day 5,544, 18:08 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear friends, hello.

Today, i have to advertise another cool thing on my newspaper:
this person gives 1 gold per 1 subscription to their newspaper!

i also

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global news: kravenn works for 5000 days!!!

38 Day 5,544, 13:51 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear friends, hello.

Today, we have reached a huge milestone in the game.
Not in the battles, politics or social aspects of the game, but in the work mechanics of the game, and more specifically, on how many days a play can work on a

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irish news: lvl 50, ireland's CP and pacifica!

29 Day 5,535, 15:38 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear friends, hello.

Once again, we look what happened, in the news of e-ireland, of the e-world, and of other things too.

First of all, i've reached level 50 a while ago, back in mid-novemember, and after that point, i've stopped being a Div

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global news: erepublik's 15th anni event!!!

8 Day 5,479, 10:48 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear friends, hello.

It seems that time flies, and we have already reached erepubliks anniversary event, with this one being the 15th anniversary of erepublik, isnt that great?

im gonna lay down the events rules, tips and tricks about

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