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READeR USeR LINKeR covers various topics regarding eRepublik, ocasionally drawing paralels between eWorld and RL World.

When Trolling Goes Viral - Crowdstrike Edition

6 Day 6,089, 04:06 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


When Trolling Goes Viral - Crowdstrike Edition

Last weekend was quite an expensive one for many companies. How expensive?
Very! The costs are … read more »

CODE - NEUTRAL? White Flag or False Flag?

31 Day 5,980, 08:56 Published in Hungary Hungary Warfare analysis Warfare analysis


If you take a look at the CODE page, you'll see this:

[img][/[/img]read more »

eRepublik - Quel monde terrible | Stillfront 2023 [EN/FR]

6 Day 5,925, 11:00 Published in Belgium Belgium Financial business Financial business


A note for English speaking readers:
This article consists of two articles
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Changeur de jeu eRepublik | Stillfront - Résultats annuels 2023

23 Day 5,924, 14:53 Published in France France Financial business Financial business


Changeur de jeu eRepublik

Comme je l'ai écrit quelques jours plus tôt dans mes … read more »

eRepublik Gamechanger [Spam]

7 Day 5,924, 13:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


eRepublik Gamechanger Spam

Dear … read more »