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FRAG konkursa uzvarētājs! [21:09 RL]

19 Day 2,261, 03:39 Published in Latvia Latvia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Konkursa fināls. 10 finālisti, 100 tanku un tikai 1 uzvarētājs

Tas brīdis ir pienācis! Žūrija vienbalsīgi nolēma par konkursa uzvarētāju atzīt ... [ … read more »

FRAG konkurss ir noslēdzies! + [upd 12:32]

126 Day 2,260, 01:59 Published in Latvia Latvia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

>>> Dodamies uz fināla lapu!

Konkura pirmā kārta ir noslēgusies, žūrija vairs read more »


105 Day 2,227, 10:19 Published in Latvia Latvia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Tas ir noticis! Esmu kļuvis par eLatvias 3. TITĀNU.
Lai to atzīmētu, pirmajiem 50 komentētājiem/balsotājiem pa vienam q7 tankam.

(Vairāk nevarēju atļauties, tanki pašlaik ir read more »

[Comic of The Day] Meanwhile in As*guard...

62 Day 1,897, 02:10 Published in Poland Poland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

...Meanwhile in Asguard..

[Comic of The Day] Meanwhile in As*guard...

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[ENG] Get ready for december 21.

26 Day 1,854, 04:38 Published in Poland Poland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Everyone knows about december 21. And you think this wont affect eRepublik...I can tell you - you are wrong my friend.
I have some leaked info about 21/12, so get ready!!!

1) All factories will be downgraded to Q1

2) Training grounds

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