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Ni får själva avgöra om artiklarna är intressanta eller inte. Artiklarna kan vara på både svenska och engelska. Om så önskas så finns det viss möjlighet att jag skriver redan publicerade artiklar på motsatt språk också.

Introduction to battles [GFJ] (small change)

19 Day 5,273, 06:35 Published in Sweden Sweden First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Battles in Erepublik
Battles can be both fun and less so fun. But for you who are beginning to play Erepublik your first impression will probably be that (can you feel) it is … read more »

Guild of free journalists [GFJ] [Swe/Eng]

6 Day 5,271, 23:33 Published in Sweden Sweden First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

“Ett samhälle växer bra när gammal man planterar träd vars skugga de vet att de aldrig kommer att sitta”

God morgon!
Idag är vi stolta att tillkännage … read more »

How to change profile name?

3 Day 5,271, 12:08 Published in Sweden Sweden First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Hello my fantastic readers!
I saw that I had forgot to write the article about how to change profile name in English. SO here it comes.

Please make sure that you read all the conditions that they have in Erepublik connected to changing name

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Please help me with solve a problem

4 Day 5,270, 12:10 Published in Sweden Sweden Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hello my fantastic readers!
I would like to hear with you, do you have storage problems too?
I have tried to buy more and more space but it eats up without I have added more in the storage. I have even donated away things and used up things to

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Nu har jag kommit upp till God of War

0 Day 5,269, 11:15 Published in Sweden Sweden Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Jag vill bara berätta att nu äntligen har jag kommit upp till "God of War".
Vet inte riktigt hur mycket starkare man blir jämfört med en nivå lägre, blir det någon större skillnad?

Med vänliga hälsningar

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