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[LEAKED] Shocking unpublished developer logs of July/August 2018

53 Day 3,951, 07:27 Published in Latvia Latvia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hello my dear friends!

I am sure many of you are wondering why the hell administration still hasn`t published developer log for July/August 2018, even though we are … read more »

Interview with Romper

63 Day 3,950, 09:15 Published in Latvia Latvia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!

Now that I have brought some vision to the future of this game, I would like to take a quick break and not only look at our present … read more »

Implementation of communism module

40 Day 3,950, 02:35 Published in Latvia Latvia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello, my dear readers!

Yesterday, we solved tank price crisis and made read more »

Solutions for Q7 prices and season packs

31 Day 3,949, 14:05 Published in Latvia Latvia Financial business Financial business

Good evening, my dear friends!

A crisis has struck our community out of blue, tank prices are soaring, season packs has made lower division players to start roaring, … read more »

[ĀM] Kas notiek pasaulē

17 Day 3,941, 09:11 Published in Latvia Latvia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Sveiki, draugi!

Pēc ilgāka laika pasaulē notiek neliela pārgrupēšanās, Pacifica ir pametusi viena no tās dibinātājām, Horvātija un Grieķija pēc ilgāka pārtraukuma ir atdzīvojušās un šobrīd ir ļ … read more »