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[MoD] EPIC Air and Division IV battles during #springbreak

5 Day 6,007, 23:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

*** The latest epics for the UK took place on the high plateau in Asir and in the skies over Bukovyna ***

ROUND 1 - Division IV (with Cyprus in Asir)
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[MoD] TARE MUs Registration and refresh of our TW Fighting Guidelines

31 Day 6,004, 02:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Battle orders Battle orders

eUK Military Unit Coordination Exercise

Just over a month ago we had the first Tactical Assessment and Readiness Exercise (TARE) between the following MUs

😸 Flying … read more »

[MoD] Christmas Air & Air Cadet Programme - Weeks: 163-167

62 Day 5,985, 06:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Christmas Air Programme Rewards - Weeks: 163-167

Air Reward Programmes

The Christmas Air Programme Rewards are 6cc per air kill. The cap is 2,500 kills per week for … read more »

[MoD] EPIC Air battle in the Northeast of Mexico

2 Day 5,983, 11:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

*** The latest epic for the UK took place in the skies of the Northeast of Mexico ***

ROUND 9 - Division Air
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MoD - Air and Ground Player Support Scheme Analysis

30 Day 5,972, 11:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Warfare analysis Warfare analysis


The Christmas Air Programme scheme has delivered 162 weeks of rewards while the British Armed Forces Q7 Weapon Rewards Scheme has delivered 71 weeks of … read more »