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Pesá de calidad

0 Day 6,067, 08:07 Published in Spain Spain Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

[img]http[/img] … read more »

Pesa de calidad

1 Day 6,066, 00:51 Published in Spain Spain Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

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The Palpatiners

4 Day 6,046, 15:04 Published in Spain Spain Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Bonus Track:

More executive orders,

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Gallega, hala pulpo!

0 Day 6,039, 04:11 Published in Spain Spain Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

1 pulpo fresco de aproximadamente 2 kg
3 hojas de laurel
Sal gruesa
Pimentón dulce
Pimentón picante (opcional)
Aceite de oliva virgen extra
4-5 patatas medianas
Preparación del pulpo:

Si el pulpo es fresco,

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Tentaculitis Aguda

1 Day 6,036, 16:20 Published in Spain Spain Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Resumen para inteligentes asintomáticos:


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