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Region under attack

Spain attacked Sardinia, Italy
Day 6,093, 02:10 (15 hours ago)

New Resource Concession

A Resource Concession law to Bulgaria has been approved.
Day 6,093, 00:33 (17 hours ago)

Region under attack

Netherlands attacked Tuscany, Italy
Day 6,093, 00:25 (17 hours ago)

Region under attack

Italy attacked Basilicata, Australia
Day 6,092, 23:45 (18 hours ago)

Region under attack

Italy attacked Lazio, Philippines
Day 6,092, 23:45 (18 hours ago)

Region under attack

USA attacked Pennsylvania, Italy
Day 6,092, 23:34 (18 hours ago)

Region under attack

Ireland attacked Molise, Italy
Day 6,092, 23:02 (18 hours ago)

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