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wiki Rank 19


Help your country by donating Gold, Currency and Food! The President and Congress can use Gold to declare wars and issue money. The currency can be donated to Organizations or used to sign Mutual Protection Pacts with other countries. Launching Airstrikes requires both Currency and Energy from Food.
5,152 .90 Gold GOLD
40,257,695 .78 PEN PEN
3,944 Energy ENERGY

Tax Revenue (60 days)

The tax revenue is based on the number of regions a country owns. Conquered regions will generate additional income at the expense of the country that originally held that region. More info
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Gross Domestic Product (60 days)

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Productivity Information

Country Bonuses


Industry icon

No bonus


Industry icon



Industry icon

No bonus


Industry icon


Country resources

Resource Regions with a Trade Route Regions without a Trade Route
Grain (+0%) Not available Not available
Fish (+0%) Not available Not available
Fruits (+0%) Not available Not available
Cattle (+0%) Not available Not available
Deer (+0%) Not available Not available
Iron (+10%) Chimor Not available
Saltpeter (+25%) Chimor Not available
Aluminum (+15%) Chimor Not available
Oil (+20%) Northern Low Amazon Not available
Rubber (+30%) Chimor Not available
Sand (+0%) Not available Not available
Clay (+0%) Not available Not available
Wood (+0%) Not available Not available
Limestone (+0%) Not available Not available
Granite (+0%) Not available Not available
Neodymium (+30%) Northern Low Amazon Not available
Magnesium (+10%) Lima Not available
Cobalt (+25%) Northern Low Amazon Not available
Titanium (+15%) Lima Not available
Wolfram (+20%) Northern Low Amazon Not available

Resource Concessions

No resources in concession from other countries.
No Resources conceded to other countries.

Trade embargoes

This country can trade with any other country in eRepublik.


Work Tax Import Tax VAT
Food 1.00% 1% 1%
Weapons 1.00% 1% 1%
Aircraft Weapons 1.00% 1% 1%
Moving Tickets 1.00% 1% 1%
House 1.00% 1% 1%
Food Raw Materials 1.00% 1%
Weapon Raw Materials 1.00% 1%
Aircraft Weapons Raw Materials 1.00% 1%
House Raw Materials 1.00% 1%


Minimum 1000.00 PEN
Average 3238.55 PEN