Welcome back from retirement

Day 6,091, 02:56 Published in Russia Russia by Bragge Schorsch De Elite


First, i want to give you an update on my tickets: Catalina B. closed it, wrote i should only post the two accounts and it needs ten player reporting him. I don't know the second account, the first is Nesy Viuc, president of eNetherlands. Have fun.

Lord Begging for money is back from his retirement. Seems Pheamus and I, Smee shortly before he was forced to leave, Beebeam and maybe some others milked him so much, that he had to refill his storage. Hunting the hunter made me some friends, so we could welcome him...

It's not about the money, it's sending a message. While you might still ask yourself which message the bastard wants to send, i'll tell it: Don't be afraid of him. Together, you're stronkkk, stronger than him. Fight him, even if you lose, you make him pay for his beggar-beeing. Thank you Pheamus for encouraging me, for showing me how this works, without you, i would have left. Always remember: Sucateir2 is the hunted, not the hunter.