Update On: Progress, Pakistan Falcon, Pakistan Supplies Program

Day 5,584, 09:20 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Dio Pancevo

It's been two years since I'm back in game. I immediately took Pakistani citizenship. Pakistan is the country where I e-died. Upon my return, there were still no changes to the game that meant the introduction of fuel and nation protectors. I had legend bonus to other countries and none in Pakistan. With the arrival of the protectors of the nation, I immediately got a 60% bonus as the protector of Pakistan.
It was easier to advance later.

The goal is to achieve being Legends of Pakistan: ALP. Battalion XX. Who was the ALP. btw? I remember he was a player from Turkey. He did not particularly stand out, except on the battlefield. That is obvious. In 2019 and 2020, he made rapid progress. Then there was still that unusual event whose concept was: the more you fight, the more it comes back to you. It was possible to continuously fight a round, and at the end of it get a refund in some equivalent of the existing EBs. The only thing that mattered was that you had enough Q7s for such an adventure. Howsoever, this man was the first player to reach the highest military rank in Pakistan.
Furthermore, we all proudly carry this name on our pages.

What next, after reaching the highest military rank? Stay in the country or move abroad? It is up to you. This will show what type of player you are and what goals you have in a game that has long ceased to be a strategy game. In this regard, I might move to Serbia and/or the Emirates. The Emirates is Pakistan's number 1 ally. Serbia is my country irl.

We, the members of the erstwhile Awami Ittehad party, have merged with the Pakistan Falcon party. This is a party of proven patriots and people committed to Pakistan. I am grateful to my party colleagues who had the will and understanding for this great move. In the first congressional elections, on February 25, 2023, we won. I think this is our first win. Thanks somaka, sso89, Emperor S.A.M, Muhammad Talal, Nikola Njagojevic, KutlukBilgeKul incuvcuvwetrust.

Since I will be going back and forth, I will no longer be running the Pakistan Supplies Program. I will continue to provide help unofficially.