To all UK Citizens 🇬🇧

Day 6,091, 05:19 Published in United Kingdom Bulgaria by Khan AnchoRuh of BG

Dear 🇬🇧 UK people,

Thanks for welcoming me in your country. You proved as nice and very warm people. It's a bit rainy, but perfect for a short vacation 🙂
My main mission finished successfully (for this you can read below after the giveaway message).

Every UK citizen who leave a comment will receive 100 Q7 weapons.

The intruder (11ue) was revealed as a multi account holder.
I know this guy is not welcomed in your country. He took millions of your taxes in cc. He is not respecting your local rules. Using his puppies (lucy28 & guyviii) for his own goals, hitting against orders, turning walls and stealing from everyone. Yesterday when I pissed him off ( I constantly do that ) he steal BH and CH from Mr. Knee here Round 10 - D4:
Note: He spent more than 13 hours online (doing that on a daily base), to gain and protect his precious pixels 🙂 He managed to overhit me, but his puppies were punished.

I don't know what he/she is in RL, but definitely should look for mental/social/medical help.

I can promise that I won't leave you in that fight 🇬🇧.

Once again huge Thanks for your welcoming 🙂