Pakistan Supplies Program

Day 5,513, 07:36 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Dio Pancevo

Let's get something going. There are no active citizen supply programs in Pakistan. This program is not new. It was already implemented once in Pakistan, and today it is active in many countries, in different forms.

My idea is as follows. Pakistani citizens will be supplied weekly with Q7 weapons. The number of weapons will be determined according to the formula: number of ground kills during the week divided by 10, with a maximum gain of 500 weapons per week. The only requirement besides citizenship is that the players have not yet reached Legend rank.

Considering that Pakistan does not have many citizens, and even fewer who meet the rank requirement, there is no need for anyone to apply to participate. All eligible players are included in the program. I will write every week on the state wall the data on the distributed Q7's and once a month I will publish a report in the newspaper.