On the subject of eCommonwealth

Day 2,133, 18:18 Published in Canada Canada by Connor MacLeod

Iain Keers broached the topic of an e-Commonwealth Alliance in a recent article in his well-respected e-newspaper, The Economist. He postulated that such an alliance, which was once seen as impossible, could now be workable. Indeed many of the real world Commonwealth states seem to finally share similar leanings within the eRepublik global political structure with the lone exception of eCanada.

So what of that red-headed stepchild, eCanada?

eCanada is defined by two contrasting societies. Sometimes this is a linguistic split, other times a geographical split. Currently eCanada sees a divide along the lines of longevity. eCanada has a core population that has been with this game longer that eRepublik really deserves. Their views are shaped by eCanada’s history in the game, Nave’s Toe, French Toast, CAF vs Crimson, the Bromance, stolen treasuries, and pardons. One core tenant of this group was the close ties between eCanada and our neighbours to the south, eUS. As recently pointed out by eCanada's own Acacia Mason, the former deep ties to the eUS have chilled dramatically over the last year. The "Old Guard" do not seem willing to forgive perceived transgressions by recent eUS administrations.

The "New Guard" have grown up in a time where eCanada's influence in the e-world has waned significantly. A once important ally known for punching above its weight has seen the game pass it by while it's been absorbed in its own internal issues. This "New Guard" knows little about the Battle of Nave's Toe, they don't remember French Toast, they don't remember the first invasion of North America by PEACE that saw both eCanada and eUS wiped. What they have seen is the eCanadian community rebuild prominently featuring expat eBrits.

eCanada is in a rebirth right now, we've just recently returned to the map after a long term occupation by eSpain. Indeed there are still territories which remain under occupation to this day. The current administration has set us on a course to join CoT but this move has not been met with universal approval in eCanadian political circles. With the current undertones in eCanada, could an alliance with some of our former PEACE and ONE opponents continue to reinvigorate the community?