News from the Wolfsschanze

Day 6,074, 06:23 Published in Russia Russia by Bragge Schorsch De Elite


Since i got so many messages for european championship of thiefs, i won't organize such events in future. But if you want, feel free to hunt down every eamerican you see. Greetings to my friend Super Retard. If you wonder why such hate, i mean those guys are gonna elect a president (hopefully not but...) who seems to be a jellyfish with the abilities to speak and survive outside the seas.

Broken as the society are the admins, beeing hosted in dutch cores, i got following message

Since i do know, having and plaing two accounts is not allowed, of course i submitted a ticket, here my proof

You know, i think its pretty hard to run such a big game and i wouldn't mind if they have time to fine me for some verbal issues my drunk me posts here BUT LOOK AT THE FUCKING DATE AND ITS STILL PENDING WHILE THERE ARE CHEATING PLAYERS! YOU ARE THE REASON THAT THE FÜHRER HIMSELF COULD RESSURECT AND CLEAN UP THIS SH.......

hail lenin
hail russia
hail code