Ministry of Media Report Day 1,293

Day 1,293, 23:32 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe
Ministry of Media Report Day 1,293

Domestic News

Presidential Elections
-The June Presidential election are nearly finished. Current Minister of Defense and ULJ Party President Ecka Stealer of Cows seems to have wrapped up the election and won by a landslide.

Government orgs and companies
-Questions over what to do with Government assets have arisen due to the imminent removal of function from government orgs. The general consensus is to flog everything, nailed down or not.

Kyushu RW and Chinese NE proposal
-Yonsil started an RW in Kyushu earlier today, and also proposed an NE against China. Both seem sure to fail, though a worrying number of votes were recorded in favor of the NE proposal.

International News

-War continues with no end in sight.

-Indonesia is once again invading the Philippines and seems sure to overrun it again with little difficulty. This comes on the back of an invasion of Malaysia, and subsequent freeing of two of their regions.

Chile join Terra
-Chile has been unanimously voted in to Terra, with the Chilean congress approving membership. Cooperation between Chile and Terran nations has been good, and Chile has already made valuable contributions to the alliance. (Read More)


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