Ministry of Media Domestic Report Day 1,260

Day 1,260, 21:27 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe
Ministry of Media Report Day 1,260

Congressional News

-Congress has passed an MPP with Poland. This was proposed as a protection MPP. The vote was 17 yes 16 no.

-The Yonsil-Friedrice Immigrational Law was passed, and congress debated on whether to make the law retroactive. Ultimately, no strong support was found for this measure, so there has been no vote. Friedrice will not have to pay a fine for his most recent citizenship.

-Yonsil started an impeachment vote for Alfred-Ball. Alfred had Judean Princess nudes at one point and did not share them with others. The pics are lost because Alfred had to reformat his machine. Other congressmen were in favor of it because they did not like the Poland MPP. The vote failed with a vote of 19 yes 12 no.

-Alfred's response is here.


-TheReverendSeanV is hosting a Q and A debate, please post questions on the forum for him to ask the two candidates.

-For the upcoming presidential elections, there are three candidates running.
Here are links to their profiles and campaign articles.

Kokawayoshi Makoto:
DanijelJancikic: No campaign article has been released.


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