Ministry of Media Domestic Report Day 1,258

Day 1,258, 15:54 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe
Ministry of Media Report Day 1,258

Congressional News

Congress is off to a good start this term, discussing and voting on a few issues already.

-Kaige is this terms speaker. Erumaron is the Minister of Security. So far, Kaige has been proactive at keeping the Congress section of the forums clean. Erumaron has also started approving citizens and is starting his waiting list for approved immigrants.

-The Yonsil-Friedrice Immigrational Law has passed with a vote of No: 6 Yes: 13. Here is the language for the law: "Flat fee of 5g and another additional 3g if a Congress member leaving his/her term. Also must be accepted after Congress elections."

-Congress held a discussion thread on whether to strip Hitoshi of his citizenship. No vote is expected to occur on this issue.

-Yonsil has brought minimum wage to the attention of the Diet. He wants to increase income taxes and minimum wage. This is expected to squeeze taxes out of multi accounts. No vote has been started yet.


For the upcoming presidential elections, there are three candidates running.
Here are links to their profiles and campaign articles.

Kokawayoshi Makoto:
DanijelJancikic: No campaign article has been released.


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