JIS: Maintain your wellness high!

Day 662, 05:43 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Interior Service

The Japanese Wellness Tutorial has been updated!

Please take a look at the above link if you have wellness under ~90!.

Wellness is a measure of how healthy your eCitizen is and offers bonuses to most things that you will do in game.

Failure to maintain your wellness at around 90 will have dire consequences for eJapan as you will make few products and do very low damage by having poor wellness. If many players do this, the economic and military damage is significant.

It is your patriotic duty to have high wellness.
If you have below 40 wellness, have no money and are level 5 or above please don't hesitate to contact the JIS for free gifting and help to get your wellness up to 90.
Otherwise read over the tutorial and feel free to ask any questions!