I am back!

Day 5,907, 11:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Armorista
UPDATE: I am back!

I now announce my return to the eUK.

I know that I have been away for 18 days as of today, but, during this time, I have had to focus my attention away from my citizenship country more and so have made connections across many different countries, from the eUSA and eEgypt to eIndonesia and beyond (I also speak a few different languages). I note that we are currently lacking a MoFA, so if requested, I would fill this role in order to preserve our neutrality amongst other goals.
I have come to appreciate what the eUK does better than other countries, and why we must value and protect it. However, I have also learnt where we can strive to improve, and to evolve.
While it was a relatively short time I was away, I feel I have learnt a lot.
I planned to stay away a little longer, but I found myself yearning to be back, and so I shall return to the eUK.

Again, my apologies for leaving the country in the middle of a congress session, and I hope that my friends in TUP won't hold that against me next month in our democratic decisions around who our candidates will be.
I also hope that the country won't hold it against me.

I have kept myself well updated with eUK news in my absence, so all should be fine!
Providing the acceptance of the eUK congress, I should be back by the 27th, ready to volunteer my services to whomever our next president is, in any way I can.
I thank all who have remained in contact with me throughout my absence.
To name a few; Keith, Harvey, Gavin, Woldy, eerte and Humphrey (Who today allowed me back my captaincy after my daughter messed with my PC.)
Thank you.

P.S If you're wondering why the 27th, it's because I didn't withdraw my congress bid when closing my party. Silly me! (And because I need to let democracy function to let me in!

P.S.S Upon my return, a promise I made to Keith is that I won't be leaving again! However, I as one of the more active players, will find some time to continue building connections abroad.

P.S.S.S Let me know if you have any questions!

Armorista (Formerly -and maybe again- Dwyer Edwards.)