global news: swedish questions and asteria?

Day 5,561, 18:42 Published in Sweden Ireland by chris jonadicus

Dear friends, hello.

So, my arrival in e-sweden was rather eventful.
some good people welcomed me in a very polite and friendly way. others, welcomed me in a formal, neutral tone.
and others, like zzzingo, outright insulted me (on more than one occasions), saying lies about me and accusing me of being a PTO member, while in reality, i have stopped so many PTO's, that it would make his head spin.

i've always been against dictatorships, against PTO's and always in support of democracy and of freedom of thought, and i will always be that way.

i will not tolerate such blatant lies and false accusations about me from rude, lying people.

but i digress.
lets see the social and political landscape of e-sweden so far :
to be fair, i will post newspaper articles from both sides of the argument...

from the nobel's point of view, their articles consist of :

from the current government's point of view, (status quo), their articles consist of :

so far, from the one side of the argument, i see the nobel people +supporters pushing for a more open government, with transparency for its methods/payments/laws/decision making, while nobel also wants e-sweden to not serve the asteria alliance anymore.

from the other side of the argument, the current government (status quo) rules with absolute power, commanding the top 2-5 parties as one unit, without any different opinions/views/decisions, and they treat anyone who disagrees with them badly.
is that a fair way to treat someone else? (for disagreeing with you?)

and ofcourse, the current government supports asteria 100%.

the big questions for the e-swedish people are :

1 )
what are your thoughts on asteria, CODE, pacifica, orion, or about other alliances of the game?
which ones do you like the most? and which ones do you like less, or even hate?

2 )
how would you feel that e-sweden would become a better e-country?

3 )
if you support the current government (status quo), in what ways it should improve in order to become better? if not, which alternative would be the best option for the e-country?

4 )
if you support the nobel party, what are your plans in order to help out e-sweden, and what will you do in order to make it a better e-country?

i think that all of e-sweden in general should talk more with eachother and, to try and find a common ground, along with some solution to all those problems.

also the position of CP, and the ministries should change from time to time, when the election time will come.
(for more variety and for a better balance in the power structure of the
e-swedish politics)

also, if you ask me, i think that you (the swedish players) should write more articles with english versions too.
just copy+paste your swedish articles in a translator, and boom! you will have it easily in a swe/eng version in no time, plus it would help your articles getting more readers/interactivity with the public too...

also, the erratic behaviour of some rude members of the government, kinda remind me the crazy posts of an old player, mr A.Emmerich, from e-austria.
(thanks to mr prince of austria for reminding it too, in his comments from an older article)

let me tell you about mr A.Emmerich :
link :

you see, this guy felt that he should maintain power at all costs and he would insult anyone who disagreed with him in every opportunity.
despite all that tho, he was still an important political member of the ''osterreich independence party'', and he was elected as CP two times.

but he eventually payed for his hubris, his rudeness and for his delusions of grandeur.

perhaps there is a lesson to be learned in here?

that the current government should listen to all sides of the argument and to try and cooperate with other parts of its society, so that all e-swedish people can be a united front against corruption, authoritarianism, and against any bad influence?
all i see so far is insults, petty comments and fighting, while calling others ''weak'' and ''stupid''.
both sides fight very much, and thats not very good, tbh.

but speaking of rude people, lets move onto a previous subject :
i later saw this post on mr wystan's profile, which was very important :
''Människor som av olika anledningar stör mig:
sgt. buller''

or in the english version...
''People who, for various reasons, bother me:
Sgt. noise''

link :

and while i dont know who the lower 3 people are, i can certainly see why mr zzzingo annoyed mr wystan.
for zzzingo spreads lies and insults to various people, even to new players who visit his e-country, a rather unpleasant and insecure behaviour, if you ask me.

so some people need to fix their behaviour, otherwise they will keep making enemies out of people, even from their own compatriots.

at this point, i want to thank nobel, and all the polite people that welcomed me in a friendly way, while i must recognize that even if he is a member of the current government, mr fairlyorange was a true gentleman, treating me politely and in a fair/neutral way, despite me being from a different party.
thats how you behave properly, my good people of e-sweden.

you need to take some lessons from him, in social etiquette and good manners.

as for nobel, they behaved nicely and in a very polite manner as well, while we openly discussed with them about various topics in the comments section below.

for now, i stop here, but i will keep investigating this interesting situation, and i will keep asking all the important questions.

thank you.

plz let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments section, and please comment/vote/endorse+subscribe to my newspaper.

as for subscriptions: plz subscribe to my newspaper+ tell it to other people too...
(i sub for subs, so lets help eachother to reach the 1000+ subs achievement!)
until then,

-chris j. an irish player.