global news: day 5991, kraken's issues +his bad actions.

Day 5,991, 08:25 Published in Ireland Greece by chris jonadicus

Dear friends, hello.

As time goes on, we are currently on day 5991 of erepublik and we are waiting for the arrival of day 6000, another fantastic milestone of this cool game!

What will the developers will do next? what new module will be added? what new events, missions or medals will we find in our path?

But thats not all.
We recently had a new vermin infestation in e-ireland, apart from the usual vermin such as kaitlinn or winston smith and his despicable gang.

Now we have a kraken infestation.

Last time we saw mr kraken, he was spewing vitriolic articles against me, when i became the legitimate CP of e-ireland :
with lame articles like this :

to the low level of kraken, i said this :

''the worst? hardly.

i discuss all laws with my fellow congressmen and with nerusia too before each decision and we always vote and suggest laws and proposals for our e-nation and for our TW agreements, so the government works finely as usual.

i heard a story of a person who was named ''releasethe kraken'', who was the CP of e-ireland and he ended up privatizing the national MU and kicking 2k accounts out, thus losing all regiments and many benefits for the nation.
also he was stealing money from the state treasury too, so i would say that perhaps a thief like ''releasethe kraken'' was one of the worst CP's of e-ireland.

the public has trusted me, and even a humble player such as myself is miles better than vermin such as winston smith or his close buddies.

making angry little articles about me only shows me how much good work i make against the saboteurs.
thank you kraken!''

-end of quote-

Then, as mr kraken was bored out of his mind, he thought to himself : ''what should i do? oh, i know! i should insult the legitimate e-irish patriot, mr chris!''

and here he goes again... :

To this, i would reply that i did a decent job as e-ireland's CP and i was always cooperating smoothly with nerusia and the governments cabinet on all matters, keeping things organized, seeing what happens in each case, and helping as much as i could, as everyone was informed on what happened with each law.

So the government worked finely as usual.

Then, nerusia and his team ended the dictatorship as they promised, and they payed all the costs from their own personal funds, just like they said.
They kept their word.

Once again, the public had trusted me, i did a good job as a politician of e-ireland and even a humble player such as myself is 100 better than vermin such as winston smith or his close buddies.

Who doesnt keep his word tho?
perhaps a man named release the kraken, who was the CP of e-ireland and he ended up privatizing the national MU and kicking 2k accounts out, thus losing all regiments and many benefits for the nation.
also he was stealing money from the state treasury too, so i would say that perhaps a thief like ''releasethe kraken'' was one of the most corrupt CP's of e-ireland.
but dont listen to me,
here is some old proof by some veterans of e-ireland :

mr Rusty D, along with katiaa, stated clearly the many economic crimes, theft and corruption of kraken, during his tenure as the e-irish CP :

Rusty D's page :

katiaa's page :

and their articles about krakens evil actions are listed below, for everyone's information and enjoyment :
(check the comments of this one)

kraken trying to sabotage the e-irish government :

an article where kraken is described as a political commentator who IMO wrote more with hay makers then with substance.

an article about kraken insulting and labeling his political rivals as ''traitors''

or in his own article :

in THIS article, rusty D states clearly, that ''in e-ireland, we were able to regain a congress during CP Releasethe Krakken's term and wipe by MKD/Spain.

link :

in this law, kraken tried to incite a full scale war against canada, which would result in ireland being wiped :

while in this law, moomoohead tried to pass some sabotage laws for the irish economy, similar to the ones who winston smith do.
and who supported moomoohead then? kraken.

HERE, we see kraken's corruption, lies, and sabotage as the CP of e-ireland :

or this article :

HERE, we see kraken's run as the dictator of e-ireland, where he ruined the state MU's, he stole funds from the state treasury, he mismanaged the state orgs and he was too lazy to even fix anything, while e-ireland was in ruins :

in kraken's own words on how he ruined two state orgs :

Because stupidity and inaction are some of his best features.
For kraken is as smart as he is humble.

In this law, we see kraken stealing funds to his own orgs :

more of release the stupid/krakens mistakes :

here, on how kraken ruined the economy of e-ireland with embargo laws/taxes :

more of krakens wrong actions :

also, in kattiaas articles, she stated the bad actions of kraken as a CP/government official too :

krakens acts of treason VS e-ireland :



and many many more....

Its true, we dont know who was the worst CP of e-ireland, but we can be certain that one of the worst CP's of e-ireland ever, one of the most arrogant and the most useless in all fronts, was defnitely mr release the kraken, aka kraken, aka release the stupid, as his political rivals called him.

He is close on par with winston smiths lack of intelligence, albeit he is a lot more eloquent.

So, once again,
to the saboteurs of ireland,
i see the walking towards our sacred institutions,
WE will stop them.
For the sake of e-Ireland.

Traitors, saboteurs and thieves like kraken will always be disliked and noone will ever trust them, so let this be a lesson that dignity, honesty and good deeds make the man.

Not vitriolic, unfunny articles made by ''release the kraken'', or should i say by ''release the stupid''? 😉

As the old saying goes : he who lives in a glass house should never throw stones to other people.

plz let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments section, and please comment/vote/endorse+subscribe to my newspaper.

as for subscriptions: plz subscribe to my newspaper+ tell it to other people too...
(i sub for subs, so lets help eachother to reach the 1000+ subs achievement!)
until then,

-chris j. an irish player.