Five Reasons to vote for TRS

Day 6,061, 23:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Nifty.

The 25th of every month is Congress election day, where you get to vote for one party to represent you in Congress.

We believe backing TRS is the best way to use your vote - but you don’t need to take our word for it. Rather than shout names at you, here’s what we believe the top reasons to vote TRS are…

Top 5 Reasons to vote TRS!

Reason 1 - TRS is the only party who publish what they stand for! You can see exactly what your vote gets you. Feel free to ask us or join up if you want to know more about how we decide on policies and manifestos.

Reason 2 - TRS has a track record of constructive challenge in Congress, raising discussions and providing evidence to push change, even from the most reluctant Governments.

Reason 3 - TRS holds every Government to account, no matter who the CP is. This is core to our party values!

Reason 4 - TRS is full of active members and people who contribute to discussions and debates in Congress and in articles. This is the keystone to Congress functioning.

Reason 5 - TRS wants to promote the strategic approach to the running of the eUK and wants to help deliver the eUK’s Strategic Plan.


We feel that the way the Government has been run over the past few weeks is a huge improvement on previous months. There is always room for more improvement and making sure the Government can be held to account plays a role in continuing to make things better.

That is why voting for an active party such as TRS, who are active in debates and in discussing challenges and not just voting on donations, is the best choice for Congress.

We are upfront about what we stand for, and we know to earn votes we need to do more than list usernames and throw around petty insults. We work hard to demonstrate good activity and constructive contributions - help us inject more of this into Congress by Voting for TRS!

You can see our candidates and cast your vote on the Elections Page.

Hopefully we have convinced you - regardless make sure you vote, it's important!