Entrevistas a Aliados y Miembros de Asteria [PARTE 2] SRB-LIT

Day 5,402, 12:59 Published in Spain Serbia by Dios ArGeNS

Dada las continuas idas y venidas sobre Asteria, y la división(o no) que se creó, a partir de la investidura de Leogar, he aprovechado el que se me reconozca dentro de la alianza para sacar una serie de entrevistas a lo largo de esta semana.
Mi intención no va a ser la de influir respecto la opinión que se tenga de los miembros de Asteria, sino dar una visión objetiva de cómo ven la alianza, y como a eEspaña, aquellos que están dentro de ella.

En los siguientes días publicaré entrevistas, con las mismas preguntas para todos, de los representantes de:
Asteria SG (HerrVotsman)
CP de Moldavia (Nick Meis)
CP de Lituania (Little Beastt)
Representante de Serbia (Marko Zivancevic)
CP de Ucrania
CP de Rumanía(Georgiça)
Dictador de Bulgaria (o el que quiera ancho, siempre ancho..)

Estos son con quienes tengo mayor cercanía, muchos de ellos casi considerados amigos y más allá de mis propias opiniones sobre algún país, la función que pretendo cumplir es meramente informativa y objetiva.

Ayer fue publicada la primera parte de esta serie de entrevistas, donde nos daban sus opiniones el SG de Asteria y el CP de Moldavia:
Parte 1: https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/entrevistas-a-aliados-y-miembros-de-asteria-eng--2758575/1/20
HerrVotsman (aka HV https://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1714685 )
NickMeis (aka NM https://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/3176697 )

Hoy en la segunda parte, podremos leer las respuestas a las mismas preguntas de los siguientes jugadores(LB, CP de Lituania y Marko, Miembro influyente de la sociedad eSerbia)
Parte 2:
Little Beats (aka LB https://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/5875507 )
Marko Zivancevic ( aka MZ https://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/3454482 )


Good morning bros, we are in a difficult stage for Asteria. Too many fronts and few want to "get their hands dirty", that's why I would like to ask some questions to you who represent the allies of my eCountry, or have influence in the politics of your respective countries.

To introduce the interview, I would like everyone to give their opinion on how Asteria works at a structural and organizational level; What would you change and what would you leave as is?

Cooperation with Asteria is quite easy, they have shared responsibilities and listens to allies and friends suggestions and concerns. Having separate people assigned to coordination of different missions is always smart idea to make sure everything runs smooth.

Asteria functions in a way that we have a HQ where we plan our actions.


Secretary General (SG)

Deputy Secretary General (dSG)
Supreme Commander (SC)
Deputy Supreme Commanders (dSC)
Secretary of Foreign Affairs (SoFA)
Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs (dSoFA)

The thing that I would maybe change is a VISION of improvement and functioning of our alliance. My vision is that is that our members must still get stronger because that has to be a main goal for all our members. We are still lacking behind in a number of XX Legends behind Croatia, but with the hard and dedicated work we can catch up. Generally, we showed that even thought they are millitarily superior we can still dominate with smart stategical management of the allience. Abnormal successes we achieved with this weakened alliance.

Regarding the present of the alliance:

1. Why do you think Asteria is in the weak position again?
There are multiple factors to that. A lot of govt representatives and CPs are on vacation/busy IRL since it is summer. Recent changes of governments in multiple countries have also made an impact.

In a time of vacations and throughout the summer activity of erepublik community lowers. Thats normal. However, RL opinions also affect alliance in a bad way, its similar with CODE. Nobody is indifferent to a war in Ukraine. Thats the main problem.
2. It is clear that the current governments do not help much. Is this situation sustainable?
I think that most countries are struggling to find motivation in a current situation, but I know that it is in the works to make sure everyone is motivated and ready to go again.

For now, yes but something has to change. Soon we must make a big and serious meeting to see how to move forward.

3. What government did you expect worse from and has it surprised you?
We are trying to keep good relationships with all countries that wish to do so as well. Sometimes even the most trusted allies and friends can surprise you in a bad way, but that does not mean that they had bad intentions. Same goes for hostile or neutral countries – they may surprise you if you reach out in a goodwill.

Every single person matters to me no matter how "unimportant" he is, same with our allies, every ally is important and as far as expectation goes i dont want to mention.

4. What government did you expect a good month from and has it surprised you?
am really sorry to see that in general most Asteria countries have been behind on their agenda and have not been fighting as they should have. Also, it is a shame that the relationship between eSpain and eLithuania was moved to purely formal TW format. We considered eSpain to be close friends of eLithuania..

Hmmm, similar question, generaly you expect the most from the strongest members of the alliance.As far as my expectations goes, i didnt expect much, currently i dont feel the true victorius spirit of the alliance, again its intertwined with RL events and eEvents inside the countries.

5. What position do you take as a CITIZEN of a country of Asteria regarding the Dictatorship launched in eSerbia?
In my opinion elections are the way to change government. You have to be elected by the people to properly serve the people. Another path was taken. But we are working closely with new government and what matter the most is that we need to be able to trust whoever is in the government. Same goes to all newly elected leaders, eSpain including.

Dictatorship as dictatorship is legitimate, but what happened in Serbia is a complete fiasco and insolence. Dictators chose a moment when we had AS on Thailand, waited that most of the army already fought and then started dictatorship. Along the AS with Thailand we had few open wars also in that moment: against Croatia, South Korea...
Timing of the dictatorship speaks how "smart" dictators are, it speaks how much dictators work against the interests of Serbia and speaks how unimportant alliance is for them because they endangered all plans of the allience which were made days earlier. That can be seen in the number of bases and regions that are lost since they came to power. I want to mention that the people that started dictatorship are not an army but members of political party SJEB ( earlier known as SSS) which with breaks for a year and a half now sabotage the work of Serbian administration and wars. Fun fact in famous battle for Eastern Serbia all that dictators were fighting directly against Serbian interests along with the CODE and Croatians. You see what kind a people they are...

On a personal level, I am eSpanish and I would like to see your perspective regarding the current eSpanish government:

1. Do you think it is possible to sustain the TW with eSpain if the position that this government has taken regarding the alliance does not change?

eSpain is a trusted TW partner and I do not see a reason for this to be changed.

Yes, its possible to manage TW with Spain, its important that each side takes care of the walls. Despite sabotage our TW has much worth.

2. What do you expect from eSpain as an ally?

Same as from every other country – you have to be there for us in the hard times, as we are in case you call for help. We have to know that confidentiality is kept for all coordination as well as planning and discussions (when it is necessary).

I expect our joint fight against CODE enemies as it was in the past. Spain is for a long time now a great ally and it gives a big contribution to alliance wars. Spain has great fighters, but like us Serbs, they have big tempers. With Spanish community you have to work carefully. Even in RL majority of Serbs think very kindly of Spain because it principally defends territorial integrity of Serbia in case of Kosovo and Metohija. I hope that Spanish people understand how fond we are of them and that they can expect help and support, even ireal...

I want to thank you on good and correct questions. I wish you all the best in upcoming presidential elections, a after them, we go on to new joint actions and victories! Hail Asteria!

Thank you for responding, we have fought many times together and more times than we will fight, I hope that the game brings us back together like a few months ago and we return to victory on each front that we open.

Mira las banderas que ondean en mi avatar, no son aliados...son HERMANOS.

¡Libres y Soberanos o MUERTOS!

¡Hail eEspaña, Hail eCuba, Hail eAustralia, Hail ASTERIA!