Entrevistas a Aliados y Miembros de Asteria [ENG]

Day 5,400, 07:14 Published in Spain Serbia by Dios ArGeNS

Dada las continuas idas y venidas sobre Asteria, y la división(o no) que se creó, a partir de la investidura de Leogar, he aprovechado el que se me reconozca dentro de la alianza para sacar una serie de entrevistas a lo largo de esta semana.
Mi intención no va a ser la de influir respecto la opinión que se tenga de los miembros de Asteria, sino dar una visión objetiva de cómo ven la alianza, y como a eEspaña, aquellos que están dentro de ella.

En los siguientes días publicaré entrevistas, con las mismas preguntas para todos, de los representantes de:
Asteria SG (HerrVotsman)
CP de Moldavia (Nick Meis)
CP de Ucrania
CP de Rumanía(Georgiça)
CP de Lituania ( Little Beast)
Representante de Serbia (Marko)
Dictador de Bulgaria (o el que quiera ancho, siempre ancho..)

Estos son con quienes tengo mayor cercanía, muchos de ellos casi considerados amigos y más allá de mis propias opiniones sobre algún país, la función que pretendo cumplir es meramente informativa y objetiva.

Las primeras dos que publicaré hoy serán las hechas a HerrVotsman y a NickMeis (Presidente de Moldavia) y están publicadas en inglés, ya que mi traducción sería mala y no quiero tocar algo que quite de contexto una expresión o palabra usada para algo en concreto.

HerrVotsman (aka HV https://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1714685 )
NickMeis (aka NM https://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/3176697 )


Good morning bros, we are in a difficult stage for Asteria. Too many fronts and few want to "get their hands dirty", that's why I would like to ask some questions to you who represent the allies of my eCountry, or have influence in the politics of your respective countries.

To introduce the interview, I would like everyone to give their opinion on how Asteria works at a structural and organizational level; What would you change and what would you leave as is?

I think it's a complicated answer, I think the old structure, which predates me has a long track record
And resulted in many successes and survived down periods
In my head, I'd like a larger operations group, get more people involved, bring new people onboard, rather than a small group of elites. However, if I'm being honest, adding more people has frequently just generated more off topic chats and fights, rather than better outcomes

I am not in Asteria HQ but as i know there is a HQ with SC, SG and their helpers. They make a plan and contact country CP and govs to start actions. If someone thinks that can do better there is always space for people with good intentions and some free time (good reputation is also a must).

Regarding the present of the alliance:

1. Why do you think Asteria is in the weak position again?
A) Summer - a lot of people with less active
😎 Burnout in general
C) Conflict from Ukraine/Russia spilling into alliance planning, where we lose both planners
All these things combined tend to spread too. I'm not gonna spend my time, gold, ebs, on an "important" battle if there is no greater plan, or if other countries aren't active (I mean "I'm" hypothetically not me specifically)but right now

Because our last planner is from UA and is busy. The Asteria problems are just structural, as you can see we don't have any group movements. That's all, September will come, CODE will delete some countries and people will start fighting.

2. It is clear that the current governments do not help much. Is this situation sustainable?
I think things will change, as new leadership grows, or people return to activity, Bulgaria had 2 clicker cp who went afk. They'll be back
But they've been ineffective this term. But again, if dealing with that internally hard for country to be effective, they do have numerous players who have been very helpful in allied battles

Lack of time and no-one wants to spent time to organise and talk with others. The other problem is that some countries are ok, good number of TWs, safe cores so they are sleeping, in the moment when those countries will be under attack their community will join the fight.

3. What government did you expect worse from and has it surprised you?
I'd rather not call out any countries , since to some degree it's apathy affecting everyone. USA missed easy laws and blocks, as did many other countries, so it really has affected all of us.

Nothing new, maybe Spain, you guys are one of the strongest countries in my opinion, a lot of real people with good accounts. You can do much more.

4. What government did you expect a good month from and has it surprised you?
Lithuania is not in Asteria, but they are in my opinion the #1 this month in not giving up despite inactivity around them. In Asteria, Serbia, despite internal problems probably still fighting harder than I expected against Code.

Lithuania is doing very well, not only this month, those guys are back.

5. What position do you take as a CITIZEN of a country of Asteria regarding the Dictatorship launched in eSerbia?

Dictatorship in Serbia is distracting for Asteria, at least in the short term. I'm not rooting for one side, but rather I hope that this will atleast force the various factions to have discussions, and ideally we have a stronger, more unified Serbia that emerges.

Their internal problem which affects all of us, wish they can solve it asap. Wish they can work together for a bigger Serbia and Asteria.

On a personal level, I am eSpanish and I would like to see your perspective regarding the current eSpanish government:

1. Do you think it is possible to sustain the TW with eSpain if the position that this government has taken regarding the alliance does not change?

USA can and will TW with pretty much anyone. I would love to have Spain as a partner in operations against Code, something which was an abrupt loss this month. If that's the desire of the Spanish people/leadership, then we'll miss their help, but it won't affect TW.

Yes, Spain is a friend.

2. What do you expect from eSpain as an ally?

Not unique to Spain (or Asteria), but I want honestly, reliability and damage.

Same as Serbia... Work and fight together and have fun. I mean... There are 3 ways in this game: peaceful like Poland but is boring and people will leave, Asteria/pro asteria and CODE/pro code, same shit. Sometimes we delete CODE and others times they delete us.

Thank you for responding, we have fought many times together and more times than we will fight, I hope that the game brings us back together like a few months ago and we return to victory on each front that we open.

Mira las banderas que ondean en mi avatar, no son aliados...son HERMANOS.

¡Libres y Soberanos o MUERTOS!

¡Hail eEspaña, Hail eCuba, Hail eAustralia, Hail ASTERIA!