Croatia Airstrike - Battle for freedom

Day 6,091, 08:20 Published in Croatia Croatia by Hrcozgb

Drage Hrvatice, dragi Hrvati,
Postovani gradani eHrvatske,

Ovaj clanak cu pisati na engleskom buduci da se obracam svim igracima.


Dear erepublik players,

Since official spokesman is on vacation, I will utilize personal newspaper for this announcement.

As you may already observed, Croatia launched Airstrike on Cuba.

Reason is simple. Enough is enough. We cannot stand still and watch how Macedonian bandits destroy Caribbean paradise.

Croatia always stand against bullies and we will stand in the future.


Dear Cuban friends,

We have no intention of staying long in your regions. Once we defeat bandits, we will withdraw from your cores.

Croatia believe that Cuban people should enjoy freedom like every other country, without foreign thugs steal your natural wealth's.


Dear Spanish friends,

We know that your government have special agreement with Asteria regarding Cuba.

In order to keep current world order, please restrain from fight in this war. At least do not fight for Croatia. Our intention is not to jeopardies your neutrality status.


And message to all soldiers who will fight with the banner of freedom :
raise your virtual flags, salute the brave avatars, and remember: even in the digital realm, courage knows no bounds.


A komšije i ostali Asterijanci, poruka za vas : SVE ĆEMO VAM PRSTE SLOMIT A NE SAMO TRI !!!
