CP | Review of the battlefront and foreign policy

Day 5,706, 08:47 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Dio Pancevo

I rushed to write the check-out article, forgetting that I might owe a few more explanations.


The MPP with Turkey was finally not extended. It is not entirely clear what the motives were for the MPP with Turkey. Each month, their side or our side proposed the MPP law, we would sometimes overturn the law (mainly members of Pakistan Falcon and some other individuals), after which a new law would be proposed, and so on until we approve it. I simply informed the President of Turkey that we have no intention of extending the MPP with Turkey and that put an end to this.

I had the intention of signing the MPP with the Philippines, but the answer from the Philippine President never came. So currently Pakistan does not have any MPP.

North Korea

Due to the over determination that came from our long-term control of the Ryanggang region, we were thrown out of North Korea by the action of an angry enemy. When I say there was one enemy, I mean it. I will not talk about who it is here again, so as not to deepen the conflict before the mandate of my successor in this position.

I was of the opinion that this base should not be defended. TW did not go smoothly there, due to the excessive number of TW partners that North Korea has. At the same time, I was already counting on the opening of some new fronts, which all influenced my decision, with which the Government also agreed.


To prevent a similar scenario in India, where determination was also high in our Madhya Pradesh base, it was necessary to relocate elsewhere in India. This also meant the loss of the border with Estonia and thus the temporary closure of TW with them.

(arrows are not like coolinbun's but it will work)

After our and Estonia's relocation, we have a border again and the conditions for re-starting TW have been created. I note that the declaration of war cost us 210 gold, which with the 210 gold it cost to declare war on Colombia, amounts to 420 gold spent from the state treasury.

"Know that snow cannot mark sand. Know that sand may mark snow. In knowing this, Dio became free."