Congress and Congratulations! Plus a Bit of a Whine by Me.

Day 5,707, 09:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Judas H Christ

Greetings and Salutations, my fellow countrypeople and King William the Great,

In Congress news, we recently spoke momentarily on matters concerning Northern Ireland. That conversation has gone by the wayside fairly quickly. Nothing else of worth has been talked about by this Congress. At least we got the budget done, I guess.

Sorry, but I MUST address the fact that government officials have gone full retard with the National Feed. Over the past few days, all you could find there was Vote for Person A or Vote for Person B. It's disgusting. The National Feed should be used for government business only, not for partisan politicians to scream partisan politics to everyone in the freaking UK.

This is out of control; get a hold of yourselves.

Congratulations to Huey George for once again winning the CP position for the 87,169,842,164,261,424th time in a row. Personally, I voted for Bata since I don't think ANYONE should have THAT many months in a row as CP, but truth be told, I cannot speak too much ill against him. Best of luck continuing to sail this ship that is the eUK.

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Judas Christ
Duke of Devonshire
Baron of Liverpool
Lloyd of London
Bastard of Newcastle upon Tyne
Saviour of the Human Race