Bloody Hell

Day 2,902, 13:50 Published in Canada Canada by Connor MacLeod

40,000 prestige points??

Bloody hell. That's a lot of fighting. Over what? A headless horseman? The hell you say.

I started writing this and then decided that I'd just write as much as possible and see who would read the whole thing for the prize of ten gold all you have to do is post the one hundredth word that I've typed into this enormously large sentence with a plethora of superfluous words that really don't add anything but colour to this run on sentence of mammoth proportions and keeps going on and on and on and on never seeming to actually reach any ending let alone any point or conclusion as to how to fix this waste of time that actually used to have merit in the objectives it set out for the different players from all walks of life from across the globe but now seems somewhat meaningless due to the lack of actual substance that the game now provides other than meaningless clicking and clicking but this is your chance to win big and increase your fortunes in the game simply type the one hundredth word in the comments below and I’ll randomly pick a comment number to award the prize too but take heed that only the first comment you post will be used.