[VidarNews] TOP 10 Damage Sky and Ground - ePoland

Day 3,909, 08:29 Published in Brazil Brazil by Vidar18

Brazil, August 03, 2018.
eBrazil, day 3909 of the New World

[bHi fellows, i came to announce my newiest article.
This article its about the TOP 10 dmg (Sky and Ground) i hope you like.[/b]

*Data is from last week.
TOP 10 Damage Ground Division I

1º - SzczaleK - 239,641,269 (Dmg)
2º - elmo mobby - 96,593,571 (Dmg)
3º - Panpotem - 90,045,171 (Dmg)
4º - sirpiotroslaw - 83,473,858 (Dmg)
5º - xdedex - 73,569,428 (Dmg)
6º - Temida8 - 66,081,696 (Dmg)
7º - Ania111 - 48,538,486 (Dmg)
8º - Colinaru - 32,938,570 (Dmg)
9º - Deagonz - 25,449,473 (Dmg)
10º - Don Camillo Corleone - 18,887,669 (Dmg)

Total Damage Division I: 775.219.191

Last Week Damage: 775.219.191
Two Weeks ago Damage: 97.992.857
Difference damage of last week in comparison to two weeks ago: +677.226.334
TOP 10 Damage Ground Division II

1º - SnieznyKoczkodanPL - 415,040,384 (Dmg)
2º - calywtrawie - 368,943,326 (Dmg)
3º - lukasz7920 - 365,948,722 (Dmg)
4º - Biadacz - 238,750,672 (Dmg)
5º - Aleksander Ryrych - 206,080,609 (Dmg)
6º - Shept - 166,998,138 (Dmg)
7º - Rafi91 - 160,461,133 (Dmg)
8º - paula04 - 128,714,020 (Dmg)
9º - Asturiann - 112,940,264 (Dmg)
10º - Ewa83 - 101,049,770 (Dmg)

Total Damage Division II: 2.264.927.038

Last Week Damage: 2.264.927.038
Two Weeks ago Damage: 513.599.089
Difference damage of last week in comparison to two weeks ago: +1.751.327.949
TOP 10 Damage Ground Division III

1º - ptaq17 - 5,192,840,184 (Dmg)
2º - Shaffir - 892,524,989 (Dmg)
3º - Rybak757 - 846,425,964 (Dmg)
4º - DonaldMcKwacz - 575,691,969 (Dmg)
5º - MATMATYK - 573,636,881 (Dmg)
6º - CUMEOH G - 555,157,314 (Dmg)
7º - ZbyszekChaosu 2.0 - 371,646,735 (Dmg)
8º - Shanyr - 302,623,066 (Dmg)
9º - killoff andrew - 296,019,704 (Dmg)
10º - ujex - 263,306,131 (Dmg)

Total Damage Division III: 9.869.872.937

Last Week Damage: 9.869.872.937
Two Weeks ago Damage: 1.355.843.383
Difference damage of last week in comparison to two weeks ago: +8.514.029.554
TOP 10 Damage Ground Division IV

1º - kamysje - 212,861,628,103 (Dmg)
2º - MaZzA - 123,022,203,121 (Dmg)
3º - nikitaK - 74,892,870,567 (Dmg)
4º - Three-headed monkey - 62,015,726,483 (Dmg)
5º - Jan Marten - 61,791,122,925 (Dmg)
6º - viktyma - 47,747,086,714 (Dmg)
7º - little_bee - 27,382,207,592 (Dmg)
8º - Coehoorn - 20,200,438,978 (Dmg)
9º - Rapaport - 17,475,953,660 (Dmg)
10º - davecoli - 15,953,770,910 (Dmg)

Total Damage Division IV: 663.343.009.053

Last Week Damage: 663.343.009.053
Two Weeks ago Damage: 157.242.450.643
Difference damage of last week in comparison to two weeks ago: +506.100.558.410
TOP 10 Damage Sky

1º - jedimindtrick - 6,222,352 (Dmg)
2º - IIKropeK - 2,777,356 (Dmg)
3º - Jan Marten - 2,563,911 (Dmg)
4º - Yogozord - 2,354,759 (Dmg)
5º - NYski - 2,341,428 (Dmg)
6º - Rapaport - 2,162,898 (Dmg)
7º - The Skynet - 2,159,635 (Dmg)
8º - Stone Cold - 2,034,451 (Dmg)
9º - mirkos80 - 1,780,671 (Dmg)
10º - Sirielle - 1,771,280 (Dmg)

Total Damage Sky: 26.168.741

Last Week Damage: 26.168.741
Two Weeks ago Damage: 14.463.966
Difference damage of last week in comparison to two weeks ago: +11.704.775
Pic of the day:

Well ePoland thank you very much for everything, this article was a TOP 10 of Sky and Ground damage hope you like it.
Endorse this paper, you will make me happy, so will produce weakly article or can help me produce more often.

Thanks for reading!
Editor and Publisher: Vidar18