[TRS] Congress Statement and Emoji Quiz!

Day 5,940, 23:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Nifty.

Congress Statement

Last month we introduced our Congress pledge, which very much still stands. February saw some interesting and broad discussions in Congress about how things are being run and how people felt about it. That is good! these health checks should become a staple of Congress discussions, we needn’t wait for proposals or events to drive the discourse forwards.

We have been really pleased with the level of activity and engagement shown by TRS Congresspeople, as we recognise the value in having an active political scene. As a reminder, voting TRS on election day gets you:

Active Congress Members!
A diversity of Opinions and willingness to challenge the status quo!
Members of all play styles and ages!

In other words, the makings of a Parliament that can represent as many people as possible, will show up to share ideas and attend votes, and who are mindful of the role they play in holding the Government to account. All of these things have never been so important!

Every vote cast for TRS helps fill a Congress seat with an active and engaged individual. A healthy Congress means a healthy nation.

As always you can find out more about TRS and our values by checking out our Mission Statement.

The Congress List

TRS has been spoilt for choice again this month, meaning setting the Congress list has given the party a lot to think and talk about. With the continuing high level of candidates we have had party-wide discussions about how we can set a list that reflects our principles of inclusivity, activity and flexibility (you should see how flexible Mr Woldy is).

We’ve come together and agreed once again to maintain our new player promise and promote activity in the house. This is reflected in our list - vote TRS to help us get as many as our candidates elected as possible!

Emoji Quiz!

We like to give people something a little extra to do on election day, to celebrate our healthy and vibrant democracy. Have a go at deciphering the film titles depicted by these emojis, and you can win FIFTY Q7 GUNS for each answer you get correct. Anyone can participate.

It is not an easy quiz this month so there will be rewards just for giving it a go! Message your answers to Mr Woldy!.

Good luck and happy voting!