[RAF] Bulletin and mini-games, round 7

Day 5,549, 07:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Humphrey Appleby

‘Ello again lads o7

To try and keep things fresh I’ll have a chat with other MUs about a new team game either similar to another round of Risk we refined a bit before; or a sort’ve ‘burn the witch/catch the yank’ voting theme of teams of 4/5 from the v1 days.

Weekly Bulletin

• After another angry message from foreign counterparts sent Gov's way, it looks like we may have exported the problem of ‘battle sniping’ to our friends abroad a bit. I’d ask folk show similar courtesy in third party battles themselves and avoid regularly taking the piss.

Battle orders are still more or less the same: try to WIN defending campaigns and LOSE attacks, though we don’t need to secure every battle correctly. A longer campaign means more medals for both us and our eight training war partners.

If you're not already familiar-

Companion to medal runs

Become a bounty hunter!

Usual reminders-

• Try and keep at least a q1 house active - it provides a bonus energy pool and regeneration that (more than) pays for itself in overtime tickets.

• Nuking the early stages of the weekly prestige points challenge will recharge a lot more energy as well and is key if you want to really up your own runs and rankups.

• Keep an eye on your daily challenge. Even buying a token loaf of bread/a penny from the foreign exchange can help boost you without firing a shot.

• Try and respect other UK players' own medal runs and they will, on the whole, respect yours. If you do however run into problems prod Huey, 11ue or myself.

Mini-games - Round 7

(all welcome to take part)

>Where’s the eUK?

We’ve again 'upped sticks' and have found a new home in one of our former colonies/territories. Which one is it? Will you stick to your guns or try somewhere new?

You can post your guess in the comments 'ere again. Those closest wins a £10k pot with £5k for the runner up.

Round 6 results: the correct answer was...

Hong Kong!

After being introduced to, and quickly getting hooked on ‘Victoria 3’, it had to be done eventually…

At 2,845km away in another famous port-city, Singapore wins certa the pot; with India’s 3,638km winning select the runners up consolation. Well played gents!

And the infamous…

JiminyChristmas Memorial Casino

Endorse ‘ere to ‘throw the dice’. At the end of the week we’ll throw you into a random number generator-

0-6: No dice! +1 to your next throw
7-8: 200 Q7 Food
9-10: 20 Q7 Tanks
11: 5 Gold
12 (Jackpot): £10,000

Best of luck lads and gib a prod if you have an idea for an event yourself.

Round 6 Results

JRCS gets a +1 to his throw and rolls a… 4 (5)! https://prnt.sc/NqIVp3lkzWlA +2 to next throw
Yosemite rolls a… 2! https://prnt.sc/lpdh3V702org +1 to next throw
Harvey gets a +1 to his throw and rolls an… 11 (12)! Jackpot!https://prnt.sc/u3tPwVrvVYWz
Ebrietas gets a +1 to his throw and rolls a… 9 (10)! https://prnt.sc/t-Synqs94QY8
Minho gets a +1 to his throw and rolls a… 4 (5)! https://prnt.sc/f57OxdUc6zqL +2 to next throw
Certa rolls a… 7! https://prnt.sc/lZZWgCa7t2re
Keith rolls a… 7! https://prnt.sc/5_EZyxNxcNwI
Dreadnought rolls a… 9! https://prnt.sc/1QTYkS2F2WLi
Bay rolls a… 7! https://prnt.sc/CeWmnp3gtNaY
Max rolls a… 3! https://prnt.sc/BYgyh0bvAJic +1 to next throw
Mada gets a +2 to his throw and rolls a… 0 (2)! https://prnt.sc/Zg-5IhUEBRpI +3 to next throw ← the first to hit +3…
AMD gets a +1 to his throw and rolls a… 6 (7)! https://prnt.sc/F7pSuhbJnaWE
Noel rolls an… 8! https://prnt.sc/QbEi-o2Rw0tM
Alex rolls a… 10! https://prnt.sc/dzjWfg19SptE

Congratulations/commiserations… prizes being dropped off now o7