[MoF] Proposed Donation Schedule for August Congress term

Day 6,088, 03:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bank of England


It is approaching the time of the month when a new Congress is elected. That means proposals for Donation schedules are made so they can be voted on first thing. These then give Congress a steer on which proposals to launch over their term.

These schedules are proposed so that Congress has forewarning of the number of donation laws we expect will need to be made, and where we would like the money to go (and usually in what order too). This is to help improve transparency and give the Speaker, Governor and Congress a handy list of what donations to run as the Congress term rolls on.

P.S. If you need a comfort break reading these numbers, Whimsy always has your back.

Donations Schedule

The Government’s proposed donation schedule is below, as always we invite comments and suggestions. Scroll down to see how these figures were calculated. This schedule will cover the rewards people will earn between July 2nd and July 30th.

As a reminder, all the income the eUK receives from occupying regions for Training Wars is returned to the hosting nation. Likewise the people we host return the slice of our income they receive back to the Bank of England. This is so no one loses out from our TW arrangements.

Additionally, most of the income we get from our concessions agreement is returned to Spain. We keep a chunk to supplement our income.

The income we receive from the different Taxes is all retained, and it is this which we spend on Government initiatives. Tax income is usually around 50-60k a day.

Now for the maths part

The method I have adopted when pulling these schedules together is to examine the 10 day, 20 day and 30 day average of our income, adjusting where necessary for any ‘blips’ in the different income strands. I take these averages to arrive at an overall daily average income, which I times by 30 to get the projected income for the month. Simples (see next image!)

Each Donate law moves 400k CC from the country accounts. So with that monthly income figure we can estimate how many donates we will need, and the projected income coming in via TW allies.

TW partners due 2 or more from ‘new’ debt I suggest Congress donate directly to. Smaller-income allies we pay from the BoE so we can manage the payments more precisely, and if necessary over wider time frames. There’s an exception this month - eUkraine’s Weapons GDP has spiked in the last fortnight, and so I’m suggesting we manage their payments directly from the BoE rather than risk over-donating. We can see if their income plateaus over the next four weeks.

This month it is likely we will need around 17 Donates to liquidise the treasury. The destination of those Donates and the purpose of them is listed above.

These calculations are based on data for the 30 days up to day 6,086. The debt figures shown are the debt positions from day 6,086. Some payments are still pending as we await confirmation for where to send funds, but will be cleared by the next Congress.

Thanks goes to all Congress members for considering this schedule of donations.

You can see the log of payments between the eUK and TW partners on the International Payments tab of the eUK’s Transparency doc.

Dividend Reminder

It makes sense to keep repeating the list of Orgs to buy CC from too!

All the income we make from trading currency is distributed equally among eUK citizens. If you buy currency from any org, buy it from one of those listed below. It will build the citizen dividend and put money in your pocket.

Try to remember 2-3 org names and logos and look for them next time you head to the Money Market!

As always thanks for reading - and thanks again goes to Congress for considering the proposals. Hopefully this shines a bit of a light on one of the more arcane areas of eRep - if you have any questions just ask.

Mr Woldy - Governor.