[MoF] Fund Status and Anticipated Spend Report

Day 6,075, 05:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bank of England


This article will go over the current status of Funds set up to pay for your Rewards in July! If you are interested to know more about how Rewards work, you can read about them here. Each program is designed with broader goals of participation and coordination in mind.

All Rewards for June have been paid. You can see the calculations on the eUK Transparency Document.

If your donation expired MESSAGE ME (Mr Woldy) and I can resend it. Any rewards that are unclaimed on 30/07/24 will be cycled into the next rewards pot.

Additionally, we will be auditing the Government Orgs and updating all passwords. Please get in touch with updated info on who needs access to any party or MU Orgs and we will get the updated details to them.

Accounts Status

Citizen Dividend

Start of May MM Valuation : £62,500,000.00
End of May MM Valuation : £65,039,072.41
Therefore Profit : £2,539,072.41

Balance brought forward from previous cycle’s returned Dividends : £2,616,176.58

Total Dividend Value : £5,155,248.99

132 Citizens did kills/met the activity threshold. 3 Citizens request their rewards are forwarded to others and 4 Citizens were ineligible.
Therefore the Dividend value per person was : £41,241.99

As profits are paid out to citizens, the MM Orgs are now back to their starting balance on £62,500,000.00

The value of the next Dividend will be MM profits made over the next four weeks plus any returned Dividends. These funds are held across the Government’s MM Trading Orgs and profits are moved into the Department of the Munitions on the day(s) the Dividend is paid.

Remember YOU can help build the value of the Dividend by purchasing currency from eUk Orgs!

Fighting Rewards

Budget for New Fighting Rewards : £1,600,000.00
Balance brought forward from previous cycle’s returned rewards : £154,034.27

Therefore Fighting Reward Fund (June) : £1,754,034.27

The value of the next Reward Fund will be £1,600,000.00 plus any returned Rewards.

The funds for this are held in the Department for Munitions.

LFE’s and Pre-Epic Rewards

The Pre-Epic Reward Fund for June of £217,142.86 was distributed according to shares of the fund.

A number of players decline the rewards either before or after being sent them, any returned rewards are added back to the fund for next month.

That means the value of July’s Pre-Epic fund is :
Budget : £200,000.00
Plus any rewards that are returned (Currently none).

Current Total Fund value : £200,000.00

Live-Fire Rewards were paid out according to objectives :

Funds spent : £37,000.00

The MoD paper will list the updated offering for meeting LFE objectives. The funds remaining will either be added to this month's LFE budget.

The funds for these programs are held in the Ministry of Defence and moved into the Department of the Munitions on the day(s) the Rewards is paid.

Anticipated Spend/other funds

To summarise the above in terms of anticipated spend this month :

Citizen Dividend : MM profits + Any returned Dividends
Fighting Rewards : £1,600,000.00 + Any returned Rewards
Pre-Epic Reward Fund : £200,000.00
LFE Funds : £200,000 following Congressional input.

The eUK Home Office Org is due to receive a donation of £400,000.00 in addition to the £561809.82 already in there, this covers MoHA spend, including Ministry of Entertainment and New Player prizes.

Thanks for reading everyone, if you need help recovering from the numbers keep an eye out for Weekend Whimsy on friday afternoon!

Mr Woldy for the Ministry of Finance.