[MoED] Where to get free stuff - Updated!

Day 6,077, 04:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Department for Education

Hey all,

9 months ago I wrote an article detailing where you can get free stuff in the eUK. Since then many of the schemes, both Governmental and Private, have changed and there are now different things on offer. Keep reading for an updated guide on how to get free stuff.


Amount: Up to 100 Q5 food per day

Players under Level 35 can get free food by joining the NHS, a private scheme that runs completely off donations. You will receive 1 Q5 food for every experience point you gain, upto 100 a day. This is sent out every 3 days, meaning you could get upto 300 Q5 food each time.

To join, you simply have to send a PM to either Select28 or Darkmantle and they will sign you up.

Weekend Whimsy

Amount: Up to 24k GBP (average)

Every week the Ministry posts their Weekend Whimsy article full of puzzles and games which can earn you money. Previous games have included topical quizzes, rebus, emoji quizzes, anagrams and of course Where’s Woldy?. Prizes can be up to (on average) 24k GBP!

There are also other fun surprises in the article so check it out even if games are not your thing.

Citizen Dividend

Varies depending on profit - 57k GBP average last term

The previous Government created the citizen dividend as a means to share the profits made from the Government's monetary market trading. All profits are split equally between every citizen at the end of each term, and this is sent to you automatically. Due to the nature of trading, the exact amount is impossible to predict, however last term the average payout was just under 57k GBP each!

Pre-epic Rewards

Amount: 200k fund split between fighters

The Government rewards those who help create epic battles by splitting this fund between everyone who records 100+ pre-epic kills. Each fighter earns 1 share and the funds are distributed based on the total shares at the end of each term. This is sent to you as part of the end-of-term donations sent by the Government.

Live-Fire Exercises

Amount: 200k fund split based on objectives met

Another source of funds is the LFE fund. The Government will set objectives for you to complete, and you earn a share of the funds based on how many objectives you complete at the end of the term. These are included with the other Government donations that are sent at the end of each term.


UK Weapons Giveaway

Every week, harveytailbanger runs a private eUK giveaway where you can receive (currently 160) Q7 weapons if you have fought the week before. All you have to do is drop a comment on his weekly article. Keep an eye out, and subscribe to, his newspaper: TUPaware

Don’t forget to keep an eye out for articles and feed posts offering other freebies - it happens more than you might think!

Minister of Education