[MoE] Weekend Whimsy #8!

Day 6,065, 07:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Entertainment

It’s the Weekend! And you know what that means, we send you spinning into a huge pool of hot Whimsy. Grab your goggles and lets dive in!

Here’s what is in store this week!

Lasky’s Four Questions
Where’s Woldy
Sambo’s #CrudeFacts
And for those who prefer tiny pictures, an Emoji Quiz!


Rebus puzzles can be so difficult that we have had to tattoo the answers to the MoEnt team to avoid the chance of them forgetting them and never being able to work them out. We have three puzzles, and you can earn 3k for each you solve!

Send your answers to Sambo223!


CV nominated Piran to answer this weeks questions, at least 50% of which are provided by the eUK’s Grand Inquisitor - Lasky!

1) Who’s going to win the Euros?

Germany, I think home advantage will help.

Q2). Who is your favourite eRep player, and why?

No favourites, everyone is equally insane to still be playing this, respect to all o7

Q3). What's better, a succulent chinese meal or a slap up curry?

Chinese for me, every time.

Q4). Which eUK'er should we talk to next?

Whoever is 13th on the online players list when you log in on the 1st July. (unlucky for some) 🙂

That’s made me hungry… less food themed questions in the future.

Thanks Piran!


Well Woldy came back from his football louts holidays only to shout about getting a third off rail fares and something about a heatwave. So inspirational. Can you identify where he is today?

He couldn’t find a spare deck chair though!

Send your answers to Sambo223 - as always, 5k if you get it correct!

SAMBO’s #CrudeFacts

This week's fact comes as a reminder to take regular baths or showers, and frequently indulge in bath bombs… or at least in using soap.

I bet old Lizzy II took a bath or two each day. Proper Monarch.


Will they ever stop? No! Today (friday) is Christopher Street Day, National Insurance Awareness Day, Paul Bunyan Day and ‘Dream Big’ Day. Rather than find a theme to speak to all of these things, we picked our own! The theme is eUK’ers old and new!

If you’re struggling, remember some clues are a bit phonetic... and if you really struggle there’s a couple of resources that might just help.

Send your answers to Sambo223, you’ll get 1k for each correct answer!

Now you’re full of Whimsy, go and spread it amongst every you meet this weekend, if you are planning on staying inside all weekend, make sure you take some Vitamin D supplements!

Message all your answers to Sambo223, MoEnt bean wrangler.

Have a whimsy weekend!

Sambo223 and the MoHA team