[MoE] Weekend Whimsy #10!

Day 6,087, 01:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Entertainment

Welcome to Whimsy 10! The Football is over and Gazza has left the building. But you know what else was going on last week? Wimbledon!

Coming up this week…
Wimbledon Quiz
Lasky’s Four Questions
Where’s Woldy?
Week 2 of - Dazzled with Science!
And of course an emoji quiz.

In all the excitement around the Euros it was quite easy to forget that one of the staples of British sport was happening at the same time. So we’ve compiled some Wimbledon-related questions just for you.

1. Where is Wimbledon hosted every year?

2. When Andy Murray won Wimbledon, it had been how long since another male British player had won?

3. The Williams sisters didn’t make an appearance for the first time in 16 years - but which sister has won the most Wimbledon titles?

4. Which company has provided all Wimbledon balls since 1902?

5. Who holds records for most singles titles, most consecutive singles titles, most doubles titles, most consecutive doubles titles, and most mixed doubles titles?

Just send your answers to Betafoxtrot and you will win 2k for every correct answer given!


Last week Select28 was nominated to answer Lasky’s 4 questions:

Q1) If you had the power to do so, which country would you invade, and why?

I would invade Hungary or Romania as they mostly take up our open slots.

Q2). What’s your favorite thing about eRep, and least fave?

The favorite is community interaction and least is the annoying bugs still in erep.

Q3). Share one memorable event that sticks out to you during your time playing the game.

One memorable event is still the dictator wars, and for the wrong reasons.

Q4). Which eUK’er should we talk to next?

Try the 6th online person and if already questioned add +1

The 6th person online at the time was … Mr Immanuel Kant!

Where’s Woldy?

Once again Mr Woldy has been caught at the scene of a triumph - but when and where exactly is he?

As always - 5k cc if you guess where Woldy is! Send your guess to Betafoxtrot

Dazzled with Science!

We are calling it a new feature, but it’s more facts… this month all relating to the mad mad world of scientific empiricism. So mad!

Emoji Quiz time!

This week the theme is - TV shows, both current and older.

PM your answers to Betafoxtrot and you’ll get 2k CC for every one you get right!

Message all your answers to Betafoxtrot this week.

Have a whimsy weekend!

The MoHA team