“Friends of kiisupai” Lottery #71 2024w29

Day 6,081, 00:27 Published in Canada Canada by kiisupai

“Friends of kiisupai” Lottery #70 2024w28 results:
place – ratio – win amount CAD – ticket – winner
1 – 1 / 3 – 711,975 CAD – 4898 – ghoti
2 – 1 / 6 – 355,987 CAD – 4875 – Uncle Bob 25
3 – 1 / 12 – 177,994 CAD – 4899 – ghoti
4 – 1 / 24 – 88,997 CAD – 4888 – Ginoraf3000
5 – 1 / 48 – 44,498 CAD – 4904 – Wilhem Klink
6 – 1 / 96 – 22,249 CAD – 4877 – Uncle Bob 25
7 – 1 / 192 – 11,125 CAD – 4890 – Ginoraf3000
8 – 1 / 384 – 5,562 CAD – 4906 – Wilhem Klink
9 – 1 / 768 – 2,781 CAD – 4873 – Uncle Bob 25
10 – 1 / 1536 – 1,391 CAD – 4909 – Wilhem Klink
Total: 1,422,559 CAD

Beginning balance: 685,924 CAD
Sold tickets : 45 for 450,000 CAD
Donations : 1,000,000 CAD
Total funds : 2,135,924 CAD
Paid out in winnings : 1,422,559 CAD
Balance forward : 713,365 CAD.

Totals since start:
Sold tickets : 22,844,000 CAD
Donations : 54,783,421 CAD
Paid out in winnings : 76,914,056 CAD

Tickets for “Friends of kiisupai” Lottery #71 2024w29 now available!

Since 2023w30 my weekly donation to the winnings fund is 1,000,000 (one million) CAD. Ticket price is 10,000 CAD.
These changes were announced here: “Friends of kiisupai” Lottery #21 2023w30 - series B begins

All other rules remain as they were announced here: Introducing “Friends of kiisupai” Lottery

So, my friends, good luck to you!

aka Miss Canada