[AH] The Atholl Highlanders - Spear and Shield Program

Day 1,606, 08:10 Published in Canada Canada by Connor MacLeod

It was a rough day in eCanada yesterday. In a situation where we needed to win one of two active battles, we did neither.

Our foes had created a "perfect storm" against us where they could flow damage between the two battles as they both closed within minutes of each other. I watched wave upon wave of eUK and ONE allied soldiers snatch victory from our grasp within the final minutes of each battle.

eCanada was disjointed, unprepared, and perhaps overly confident in our abilities. Organization, mobility and coordination used to be the halmarks by which eCanada plied it's military trade within eRepublik.

Growing out of the flames of the Great War of 2009, eCanada was a newly forged sword. Hardened by conquest, honed by occupation, we became more than the sum of our parts.

Yesterday I saw that same determination and dedication in the shouts and posts of our foes. The tables have turned, the sword has been broken.

eCanada must reforge ourselves if we wish to move forward. We must cease our infighting and regain that common sense of purpose. Without the ability to coordinate influence and without the willingness to time it's dispersal we will continue our decline among the countries in eRepublik.

The "Spear and Shield" program looks to change this. The Atholl Highlanders are looking to create a unified strike and defence force. We aim to be that final wave of damage be it in on the offensive or defending our territories. The Atholl Highlanders wish to see our troops dominate the end of battles.

Join the Atholl Highlanders today! Help us reforge eCanada.

Thig cuide rinn!

Connor MacLeod
Commander - Atholl Highlanders