Day 4,387, 13:21 Published in Ukraine Ukraine by Bogdan-Halamydnyk
Welcome, dear friends!

This is an article with a meme participating in EREPUBLIK 12 - MEME COMPETITION which is organized by Clopoyaur. In his next article you will see memes from all the contestants, including mine.

Your support is very important for me!

50% of the final score depends on your votes for my meme in Clopoyaurs article and 15% more - on your votes, given to this article. So, here is my meme.

I'd like to add a brief history why I decided to post particularly this one.
Once I mentioned a funny fact. While trying to support RW I started to receive too much of CAPTCHA with crosswalks, stairs, traffic lights etc. The problem was in deciding whether you should tap or not some squares which contained a tiny part of an object. I tried different options but as a result I got another CAPTCHA. They appeared one after another up to 4-5 times and of course I wasted a lot of time.
I remember a shout from another player (I believe it was Zordacz) saying something like "Supporting an RW is all about solving CAPTHA quickly". And another Dutch player describing exactly my situation.
I became so frustrated that I even contacted admins 🙂
And got the answer that they cannot influence this 🙁
The only good thing about all this is that now I have a skill to solve fire hydrants very quickly.

And what about you? 😉
Please, share your experience in the comment section below.

And if you like my meme - please vote and wish me luck!

Thank you and have a nice game!

P.S. For shouts: